Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Strange Perspective

I borrowed a Canon Rebel XT on Sunday to take some photos. It's actually quite a difference using an SLR as opposed to a point and shoot. Once you set your settings and you twist the lens to focus, it stays the way you want it. A huge difference from using a point and shoot where sometimes the camera has a mind of it's own. So I tried it out a bit at the apple store to get some odd perspectives. Here, I was under the stairs that led to the second floor. I saw the shadows of people's feet walking by and I thought that combined with the diagonals the stairs made, it was a pretty interesting composition. I may have to take this again though, I just noticed that separation there on the last step on the lower right which kind of breaks the look of it I feel.

This is an example of how different it is to use an SLR. To get one item in sharp focus and others not is no easy task on a point and shoot but by selecting F5.6 and then selecting a point of focus using the camera's built in functions, I was able to easily focus on this metal structure and leave the trailing ones out of focus. I like the direction and pattern it creates across the image and I ended up taking some more shots of this to try to get a good angle. This one was cropped a little for composition's sake. Wonder if you can guess where this was taken due to the perspective used?

I liked the ceiling pattern here too. I cropped it using the camera to only include one side of it. The other side was almost the same exact thing so I felt that if it was too symmetric, it's not as dynamic as if you can see just half of it. Maybe it needs to be cropped a little more? It also seems to have arrows pointing towards the upper left there.

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